Random nu med en diamant over sit hovede….
Wright: There’s a kind of epiphany that a lot of players go through, when in the game, you can buy a computer for your Sim, and on the computer you can have your Sim actually play little games. A lot of players get to the point where it’s 2 in the morning for the Sim and the Sim is up playing computer games, and the player is trying to get him to stop playing because the Sim has to get up in the morning. Then they step back and realize it’s actually 2 in the morning and that they actually need to go to work. It’s almost a creepy model of the real world. AP: What happens then? Wright: A lot of players stop playing the game at that point. Not a lot of them, but I’ve heard certain ones say, “As soon as I realized I was taking better care of the Sim than I was of myself, I stopped playing the game.” The Canadian Press, 2004 |
Paradokset er jo at man bruger tid på at tilfredsstille Sim’ernes behov, mens man ignorerer sine egne…
Se evt. mit lille essay om Sims og mennesker på
Tak Torben – og jeg havde faktisk allerede læst din artikel om Sims 2 – og som du selv skriver: “Når man spiller Sims sætter man sit eget liv på standby” – og det er jo nok derfor man spiller…