
– er jo blevet så populært, så her er Varnæs’ Sølvbryllupssang – på engelsk – via google:

1. Twenty-five years have elapsed joy bo’de in Jerte home.
Together In three children have had, I was so happy for them.
Thanks for strict as the good years, happiness comes, happiness goes.
What you two have built together, never go into shards.

2. Twenty-five years the bank has put sølverbrudgommen,
but always thought she was in, as if his home stood guard.
Thank you for your time as the good years happiness comes, happiness goes,
also those who are not more fixed in our thoughts are.

3. In Jerte home so many times reached
in the beautiful old stu’r we gathered during the long nights, the tips of fru’r, even in the evil dark time when Germans bade us strife.
Then the bombs they burst when fate was not gentle.

4. But when the war was over I got your little Pax and its eyes were so gentle and so good and Scamp.
Never will you forget it home as I did it for them,
who went by having guard wall until they were driven home.

5. Yes, as years have gone, swallowed by time sharp teeth, have you two always been vague about our ancient land.
Monarchy and our beautiful flag, it was your heart,
as with the Knight’s Cross beløntes which can be worn today.

6. Much have I together but before that song is over, it should be mentioned, I have received, most of all, a glorious glut.
It was the surprise I got, sneezing by Maja and Ulrik.
Generation to follow in the family bank a hurray for this behavior.
