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Opsamlingsalbummet ‘Reintarnation’ udkommer 14.marts 2006 (Label: Rhino / Wea)

Note: ‘Reintarnation’ = Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

Random – Pittsburgh Steelers og Seattle Seahawks i Super Bowl XL i Detroit den 5/6 Februar – så tror jeg sandelig jeg vil prøve en Roethlisburger…

Here’s the track list for Reintarnation, not in order:

"Friday Dance Promenade"
"Hanky Panky"
"Pine And Stew"
"Turn Me Around"
"Diet Of Strange Places"
"Don’t Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes"
"Big Boned Gal"
"Pullin’ Back The Reins"
"It’s Me"
"Luck In My Eyes"
"Big Big Love"
"Trail Of Broken Hearts"
"Nowhere To Stand"
"Don’t Be A Lemming Polka"
"Curious Soul Astray"
"Cowgirl Pride"
